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Project Management

Project Mangement

The Vermont State Innovation Model Project (VHCIP) is managed through a combination of state personnel and an outside vendor with project management expertise. The entire management structure is overseen by the VHCIP Project Director, who reports directly to the VHCIP Core Team. The Project Director has responsibility for coordinating all aspects of project management. The Project Director oversees a team from within five state departments and agencies (the Green Mountain Care Board, the Agency of Human Services, DVHA, the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living and the Department of Mental Health), augmented by the project management vendor who are assigned to provide support to the work groups.

Work Groups produce deliverables according to specific charters that are reviewed by the Steering Committee and the Core Team. Work Groups are expected to report regularly to the Steering Committee on their progress and to do so in an agreed-upon format approved by the Project Director. Work Groups may need additional support from contractors with subject area expertise or analytic capabilities necessary to complete the Work Group’s tasks. These contracts will be coordinated through the Project Director to maximize their value and avoid duplication of effort.

Project Governance Structure and Decision-Making Authority

A robust public-private governance structure has been at the heart of Vermont’s SIM project since launch. Careful planning at the outset of the project created a project structure that continues to include strong linkages with the Governor’s Office, shared public-private governance, and an effective project management organization. The core of this governance structure has remained consistent throughout the life of the project, though Vermont implemented changes to this structure during Summer 2015 in response to the results of a mid-project risk assessment. These changes were described in our REVISED - State Innovation Model Year 2 No-Cost Extension Request. Project leadership believes that the current project governance, management structure, and decision-making authority, in place since October 2015, are highly supportive of the high-level project goals and individual performance period milestones by maximizing integration of work across the project, using staff time efficiently, and ensuring streamlined communication about goals and progress.

Vermont’s SIM Core Team and Steering Committee meet monthly, along with the Payment Model Design and Implementation, Practice Transformation, and Health Data Infrastructure Work Groups. The Workforce Work Group meetings bi-monthly, and two additional groups, the Disability and Long-Term Services and Supports (DLTSS) Work Group and Population Health Work Group, meet quarterly to provide subject matter specific expertise on our milestones. These six work groups report up to the Steering Committee and Core Team, making policy and funding recommendations.

This project is consistent with the legislative authority granted to Vermont’s executive branch and the Green Mountain Care Board to undertake comprehensive health care payment and delivery system reform activities. Project leaders will provide updates to legislative leadership throughout the life of the project to assure that the legislature is appropriately informed of our progress toward project aims.