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General Health Data

Data Inventory

Vermont engaged a contractor, Stone Environmental, to complete a statewide health data inventory that will support future health data infrastructure planning. This project built a comprehensive list of health data sources in Vermont, gathered key information about each, and catalogued them in a web-accessible format. The resulting data inventory is a web-based tool that allows users (both within the State and external stakeholders) to find and review comprehensive information relating to the inventoried datasets. This work stream is complete.

Vermont Health Data Inventory Report - December 2015

Data Source Collection Portal for Vermont's Health Data Inventory Project

HIE Planning

The HIE Planning project resulted from a perceived gap in high-level planning and research in local and nationwide best practices for providing a robust, interoperable ability to transmit accurate and current health information throughout the Vermont health care landscape. This project will conduct further research in best practices around improving clinical health data quality and connectivity resulting in recommendations to the HIE/HIT Work Group. Additionally, the HDI Work Group has participated on multiple occasions in the 2015 revision of Vermont Health Information Technology Plan.

State Governance Model:HIE Services - December 2016

Data Utility Report with Appendices - December 2016

Expert Support

This is a companion project to all of the projects within the Health Data Infrastructure focus area. Due to the nature of those projects, we need specific skills to support the State and stakeholders in decision-making and implementation. The specific skills needed are IT Enterprise Architects, Business Analysts, and Subject-Matter Experts.